"Stun Gun"- Science Fiction or Reality

Anyone who has watched Star Trek or any other science fiction movie could not have but been impressed by the small & highly effective Stun Guns used by the participants.It appears to the watchers that one doesn't even have to take aim. Just point it in the general direction and shoot and that is the end of the enemy.

Well , is it just pure science fiction or is there an element of reality in it.

For your information it is real. There are a several kinds of electroshock weapons that temporarily disable a person with electric shock. Some require physical contact while others are effective even from a distance.

The principle of operation is that it uses a temporary high voltage, low-current discharge to overcome the body's muscular mechanisms.The recepient feels great pain & can be temporarily paralyzed. But since the amount of current is low it is supposed to be safe,that is, it won't kill.The subject will experience pain, muscular contraction,dizziness and collapse if exposed to it for a long time.

Presently in use by police forces around the world are Electric Shock prods which need physical contact with the subject. Other weapons are Tasers & even long range wireless electric shock weapons are available.

Although they are safer to use than guns which fire bullets, these weapons can be extremely dangerous if the subject suffers from some medical condition. They are also not very safe during practice sessions, while being used on minors and when there are inflammable liquids around. They have also not proved to be very effective against physically strong and determined assailants as they need a bit of time to act.

Nevertheless given the rising number of police shootings in the US development of this technology raises hopes of an effective enforcement system where violence and fatalities will be minimized.